What is Alt text and how does it work?

You might have heard about alt text for images. Alt text, also called alt descriptions or alt attributes, is basically the text that goes along with images. Furthermore, alt text is quite important for image SEO. Not using Alt text and simply having an empty alt attribute for useful images is like missing the opportunities for optimizing images for SEO Services. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss what is alt text and why it is important and how does it work, and more.

What is Alt Text?

Alt text basically describes the content and the background of the image. Contained within alt tag and being a component of HTML code, it is basically utilized as the description of the image. Alt text is basically alternative text and you might have seen it at the time an image on a webpage does not load appropriately. It is actually a descriptive text that appears at the time image does not load properly and there is some problem with the image getting loaded properly.

Including alt text to images is amongst the optimal approaches utilized by SEO professionals for image optimization. The syntax of syntax for alt attribute is: <img src="xyz.jpg" alt="abc"/>

In the above example, ‘abc’ is the alternative text for image ‘xyz’. That means that in case the image xyz does not load and show up properly, alternative text ‘abc’ will appear, so that visitors can get to know about the image from the description appearing in place of the image. 

Why Alt text is important for image optimization?

Alt text is important for image optimization so as to describe images. We all know that images play an important role in having a nice visual presentation on a webpage and enriching the user experience. Images are helpful in improving explainability. As a matter of fact, images show up in search engine result pages, at the top, while searching for search terms like “application for leave”.  It is quite important and advantageous to have alt text for relevant images of web pages for the purpose of optimizing images and to obtain good visibility for the utilized images. 

How to add Alt text to Images on Webpage?  

As now we have understood the importance of using alt text to use for images, let’s see how alt text can be utilized for images on web pages. While using a CMS and building web pages and including images, alt text can be utilized for describing those images. Similarly, for existing web pages, they can be edited for adding alt text to the images for which there was no alternative text earlier. A particular web page can be selected and a concise and relevant description can be made for different images on the webpage to be included in the alt text, so as to have alternative text for images.   


How to write Effective Alt text?

Alt text provides the opportunity to utilize a keyword in an appropriate manner in the text that goes along with the image. The following points must be considered while creating alternative text for images:

·         Having a relevant description of an image. It is must be considered that the alternative text is going to show up at the time-image the does not load properly. Therefore, it should be ensured that the description is interesting and relevant to the image.

·         Specifying background to the image.

·         Having a precise and clear description.

·         Utilize keywords and avert including keywords multiple times. Having a good, precise, and clear description for images is important for alternative text. The keyword can be used appropriately within the text. However, utilizing keywords multiple times is not useful.  

·         Furthermore, longdesc attributes can be utilized for long descriptions. Also, it is important to not start with and use “picture of” or “image of” for the text. A brief and relevant description can be made for an image on a webpage.

Effective practices for Image optimization

It is important to ensure that the images utilized on a webpage have alt text. Also, alt text can be utilized for buttons as well. Alt text that is relevant to the buttons can be utilized for them. An ‘More info’ button can have ‘more information’ alt text.

Examples of alt text: How to have effective alt text

Let’s say there is an image of a product or service on a webpage. Simply mentioning the name of the product or service is not effective. A concise description that actually describes the product or service can be made and utilized in alt text.

While creating alt text for images, it is a good practice to have a concise and relevant description to use as the alt text for the image. For example, while creating alt text for an image of a product, a concise and relevant description of the image can be created in an interesting manner and utilized as the alt text.

Resolving issues with Alt text   

Utilizing alt text is an effective approach for increasing the visibility of images, having the relevant text or description associated with the image, and having the text show up at the time image does not load properly. Moreover, it is not advantageous to have images that do not load or show up properly. That is disadvantageous and could result in poor user experience and rankings getting affected. While detecting an image that does not load properly, appropriate action must be taken right away to resolve the problem. It can also be observed that whether alt text is appearing in place of the image or not. Issues related to images not appearing properly and missing alt text must be resolved right away.   


 Significance of Alt text for images

Using alt text for images on web pages is important for image optimization. With having alt tags for images, website visitors and search engines can obtain a good understanding of the image.

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